ExamPlanner is extremely powerful - here are some of ExamPlanner's features:

  • Copes easily with large numbers of students and examinations
  • Allows large examinations to be split between venues
  • Allows multiple examinations to be held in a single venue
  • Can specify that particular examinations only be held at suitable times
  • Spaces exams so that exams are spread out for students
  • Allocates invigilators to times and venues
  • Allows specifying materials permitted into examinations
  • Allows specifying which rooms support which materials
  • Will ensure that the exams are only allocated to rooms which support the required materials
  • Has provisions for students with special needs
  • Responsive to late requests from Subject Administrators or students - new exams or students can be added to existing timetables whilst retaining the existing structure of the timetable
  • Spreads work among the pool of available invigilators as much as possible
  • Can optionally ensure that exams of different lengths do not occur in the same room
  • Can restrict the rooms in which individual invigilators work
  • Invigilators only work when they are available
  • Can ensure that the larger exams are at the beginning of the examination period
  • Acts to minimize the length of the examination period within the constraints given
  • Produces clash-free timetables
  • Exams in a room are ordered by length, so that the shortest exams are closest to the exit to minimize disturbances to other students
  • Rooms can be set to only hold exams of the same length (this would for example prevent a 2 hour and 3 hour exam from being in the same room at the same time)
  • Ensures "common content" exams are held at the same time
  • Where possible, "common content" exams are held in the same room
  • Seeks to ensure that the total number of seats used in each timeslot is broadly consistent across the whole examination period
  • Seeks to minimize the number of rooms used
  • Seeks to minimize the number of exams that are split between venues
  • Can specify a relative preference about how much a room should be used, so that most-preferred rooms are used first and least-preferred rooms are used last
  • Supports very large numbers of exam centres or campuses, with exams synchronized across all campuses
  • Campuses can have invigilators allocated or not
  • Campuses can have exams allocated to rooms, or not
  • Supports internal or departmental exams
  • Can specify a margin of seats in each room should be left unallocated, in case of students going to the wrong room immediately before an exam starts
  • Supports multiple-desk exams (e.g. exams which use two seats per student, such as for open-book exams for courses with a lot of reading materials)
  • Provides a good selection of easily-comprehensible reports on different aspects of the timetable

Additionally, there are also benefits because of the way that ExamPlanner is accessed via a web browser:

  • No future need for subsequent expensive updates. We always provide you with the latest version.
  • No setup problems — no shared files to be overwritten, and no need to set the software up on each machine you wish to use it on.
  • No maintenance problems. We maintain the server and backup your data.
  • No need for an expensive dedicated examination timetabling machine. You only require Internet access.

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